Hi All,
We have a few users, where email is being bounced back with a NDR to the senders. Below is what we are receiving.
Remote Server returned '550 5.1.1 RESOLVER.ADR.ExRecipNotFound; not found'
We've been troubleshooting this and seems like that tehir is a issue with the X.500 address, and found plenty of sites which talk about this.
We've cleared the cache address of users sending emails to user A with the above issue.
We've also followed solutions from the following sites:
and even using this script
Function CleanLegacyExchangeDN ([string]$imceaex) {
#IMCEAEX Example: IMCEAEX-_O=ING+20GROUP_OU=Common+20Administrative+20Group_cn=Recipients_cn=*************"
$imceaex = $imceaex.Replace("IMCEAEX-","")
$imceaex = $imceaex.Replace("_","/")
$imceaex = $imceaex.Replace("+20"," ")
$imceaex = $imceaex.Replace("+28","(")
$imceaex = $imceaex.Replace("+29",")")
$imceaex = $imceaex.Replace("+2E",".")
$imceaex = $imceaex.Replace("+21","!")
$imceaex = $imceaex.Replace("+2B","+")
$imceaex = $imceaex.Replace("+3D","=")
$regex = New-Object System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex('@.*')
$imceaex = $regex.Replace($imceaex,"")
$imceaex # return object
$ExPowerShellPath = $env:ExchangeInstallPath + "bin\RemoteExchange.ps1"
#region "Check Powershell Version and Load in Exchange 2013 Poweshell Snap-In"
if ((Get-Host).Version.Major -eq 1)
Write-Output "$CurrentDate --> Powershell Version 1 is not supported `n" | Add-Content $LogPath
throw "Powershell Version 1 not supported";
if (!(Get-Command Get-ExchangeServer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
if (Test-Path $ExPowerShellPath)
. $ExPowerShellPath
Connect-ExchangeServer -auto
} elseif (Test-Path "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\bin\Exchange.ps1") {
Add-PSSnapIn Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin
.'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\bin\Exchange.ps1'
} else {
throw "Exchange Management Shell cannot be loaded"
#region "Main"
$CurrentMBXUser = Read-Host "Enter User affected by (UserAccount) "
$IMCEAEXAttrib = Read-Host "Enter the users IMCEAEX, this is found on the NDR "
$userLegacyDNIssue = New-Object PsObject
$userLegacyDNIssue | add-member MBXAccount $CurrentMBXUser
$userLegacyDNIssue | add-member IMCEAEX $IMCEAEXAttrib
$exchangeLegDN = CleanLegacyExchangeDN($userLegacyDNIssue.IMCEAEX)
$x500address = "X500:$exchangeLegDN"
# check what recipient type is
$recipientType = (Get-Recipient $userLegacyDNIssue.MBXAccount).RecipientType
# format command appropriately
switch ($recipientType) {
"DynamicDistributionGroup" {$command = "Set-DynamicDistributionGroup `"$($userLegacyDNIssue.MBXAccount)`" -EmailAddresses @{Add=`"$x500address`"}"}
"MailUniversalDistributionGroup" {$command = "Set-DistributionGroup `"$($userLegacyDNIssue.MBXAccount)`" -EmailAddresses @{Add=`"$x500address`"}"}
"MailUniversalSecurityGroup" {$command = "Set-DistributionGroup `"$($userLegacyDNIssue.MBXAccount)`" -EmailAddresses @{Add=`"$x500address`"}"}
"UserMailbox" {$command = "Set-Mailbox `"$($userLegacyDNIssue.MBXAccount)`" -EmailAddresses @{Add=`"$x500address`"}"}
"MailUser" {$command = "Set-MailUser `"$($userLegacyDNIssue.MBXAccount)`" -EmailAddresses @{Add=`"$x500address`"}"}
"MailContact" {$command = "Set-MailContact `"$($userLegacyDNIssue.MBXAccount)`" -EmailAddresses @{Add=`"$x500address`"}"}
"PublicFolder" {$command = "Set-MailPublicFolder `"$($userLegacyDNIssue.MBXAccount)`" -EmailAddresses @{Add=`"$x500address`"}"}
# output command to console
Seems like nothing is working.
Any help on this would be great.