Hey there,
We have our Exchange environment configured to deliver all mail through a send connector that authenticates with our ISP's reputable mail server for mail delivery, in order to avoid having to deal with trust and blacklisting ourselves directly. We discovered the other day, that while we have an agreement with them to not cap our daily message sending (where their average user is), we are still subject to a 200 message/30min limit, after which subsequent message are rejected/bounced with the below error:
Remote Server returned '550 User has exceeded outgoing limit G_SPAM_USER_MAX or send_limit(200)
and if our server continues to try to send mail, we eventually start getting:
451 4.4.0 SMTPSEND.SuspicousRemoteServerError; remote server disconnected abruptly; retry will be delayed
I started looking at send connector configuration options, as well as Message throttlinghttps://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb232205(v=exchg.150).aspx
but I'm not sure the best way (if there is any) to accommodate for this. I was hoping for configuration options that would allow me to setup the existing send connector to work around this limitation by queuing, either before the limit is reached, or after by reacting differently to the 550 send limit response, but so far I'm not seeing anything like that.
I get the feeling from the Message Throttling article that I should be looking at this more from a per-user standpoint, and throttling message sending for each user, which would likely resolve the issue as the limit is only an issue of someone tries to send an excessive mass email, but I'm not sure.
Can anybody give me a swift kick in the right direction on this? Or maybe a couple different directions if there are options on how to address this? Thanks!