I would like to make a transport rule in Exchange online, that can detect if an email has a Reply-To header.
In the same rule I am already using the condition "A message header matches..." to look for certain values in Authentication-Results - This works well.
Additionally I would like to check for presense of the Reply-To header. Ideeally I would like to check if it is different than the From address, but I doubt I can do this. Second best is to just detect if it is there.
So far I tried to use the condition "A message header includes..." (because I cannot use same condition twice) with parameters 'Reply-To' header includes @ However, even when the header is present and has an email address in it, the rule does not apply. I tried to look for many different strings like *@*, ., co etc. It is like I have to specify more then a few characters for this condition to work...
Any suggestions how I can detect Reply-To, when the condition "A message header matches..." is already used?