Hi All
I have exchange 2013 with outlook 2010 clients. I need to add in a classification into outlook.I have exported the xml fine using the predefined exchange 2013 (Export-OutlookClassification.ps1). In OWA the classifications show up and work fine with
my new transport rules.
FYI I have followed this guide: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa998271(v=exchg.141).aspx
When attempting to add this new classification into outlook 2010 (changing to V14 on the registry keys where appropriate), the outlook client keeps the permission button under email > options tab, greyed out.
Like this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1PpRpwQb8M3S0tLZXo5OFZqZXc/view?usp=sharing
I have tried everything i can think of, I'd really appreciate anyone's help on this.