What takes presedence in order of rule processing Hub Transport rules vs Account forwarding.
I have an email account called "Support" that is configured in account email forwarding to forward email to an external address (External Address A) and retain a copy locally.
I have a new requirement now to be more specific and forward mail to a different external email address (External Email Address B) if the mail was from an individual located in an internal AD group. I created the correct redirect Hub rule and tested it on it's own with no issue.
When both account forwarding and Hub Transport rules are configured, I get the following result when a member of the internal AD group sends an email to Support; The email forwards to External Address A and External Address B, no copy is stored locally. My desired result was for the message to be forwarded to External Address B only.
Any ideas on how to acheive this result? What if I select "stop processing more rules" on the Hub Transport rule, will this take care of the issue? I'm just not sure in which order Exchange processes the forwarding and Hub Transport Rule.