I have a personal exchange 2013 CU12 server. Recently I started getting Winsock error 10061 in my exchange queue. I cant seem to receive emails from Internet. The emails from internet are stuck in the queue and Exchange cant deliver email to the appropriate
I am able to send out.
Here is the error that i get under queue viewer:
[{LRT=18/07/2016 3:15:28 PM};{LED=441 4.4.1 Error encountered while communicating with primary target IP
alternate host, but that did not succeed. Either there are no alternate hosts, or delivery failed to all
Just addional info:
I upgraded to Exchange CU12 2 months ago and I had this problem. Since I could not find anything on internet regarding this issue, I ended up doing a Bare Metal recovery to get my exchange server work. It started working. Then day before yesterday, it stopped
again. I am posting this question because i could not find any exact answer anywhere. Its weird how it worked for 2 months and thern suddenly stopped working.I dont want to restore from bare metal again.
Any help is much appreciated !!