We have random emails mostly, it looks like just spam that keep getting jammed up in the "Journaling Queue" with the following error;
“Last Error: 400 4.4.7 The server responded with: 550 5.6.2 SMTPSEND.BareLinefeedsAreIllegal; message contains bare linefeeds, which cannot be sent via DATA. The failure was replaced by a retry response because the message was marked for retry if rejected.”
I have followed the "Bare linefeeds clogged" question earlier and I'm continuing to get these messages on a daily basis even after changing the BareLinefeedRejectionEnabled to $true. These were the connectors that I updated (which are all of them)
- FrontendTransport
Set-ReceiveConnector "FSRM-SMTP" -BareLinefeedRejectionEnabled $true
Set-ReceiveConnector "SERVERNAME\Client Frontend SERVERNAME" -BareLinefeedRejectionEnabled $true
Set-ReceiveConnector -Identity "SERVERNAME\Default Frontend SERVERNAME" -BareLinefeedRejectionEnabled $true - HubTransport
Set-ReceiveConnector "Client Proxy SERVERNAME" -BareLinefeedRejectionEnabled $true
Set-ReceiveConnector "Internal-Relay" -BareLinefeedRejectionEnabled $true
Set-ReceiveConnector "SERVERNAME\Default SERVERNAME" -BareLinefeedRejectionEnabled $true
Set-ReceiveConnector "Outbound Proxy Frontend SERVERNAME" -BareLinefeedRejectionEnabled $true
I have to manually "Remove (without sending NDR)" and I would like to find a resolution so I don't need to monitor and worry that emails are jamming up in this queue anymore. Any ideas?
EX2013 Std. Ver 15.0 (build 1210.3)