We use Exchange Server 2010 standard version. We have one mailbox and one hubcas server.
We frequently have email queue issue from the gateway to hubcas server. The mails used to get held in gateway and not reaching hubcas server. Journaling is enabled for all the messages in each database properties.
Jornaling is done to a mailbox in a database.
Below are the events:
A message with the Internal Message ID 14077388 was rejected by the remote server. This message will be deferred and retried because it was marked for retry if rejected. Other messages may also have encountered this error.
Also from queue viewer
Identity: hubserver1\166519\14700652
Subject: subject1
Internet Message ID: <079800ee-617d-409f-bb0a-c944732023b7@journal.report.generator>
From Address: <>
Status: Ready
Size (KB): 533
Message Source Name: Journaling
Source IP:
SCL: 0
Date Received: 10/31/2018 9:44:06 PM
Expiration Time:
Last Error: 421 4.4.2 Connection dropped due to ConnectionReset
Queue ID: hubserver1\166519
Recipients: journaling@journal.domain.com;2;2;421 4.4.2 Connection dropped due to ConnectionReset;0;CN=Outbound to gateway,CN=Connections,CN=Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR),CN=Routing Groups,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative
Groups,CN=SS,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=group
Identity: hubserver1\166519\14700652
Subject: subject2
Internet Message ID: <079800ee-617d-409f-bb0a-c944732023b7@journal.report.generator>
From Address: <>
Status: Retry
Size (KB): 533
Message Source Name: Journaling
Source IP:
SCL: 0
Date Received: 10/31/2018 9:44:06 PM
Expiration Time:
Last Error: 400 4.4.7 The server responded with: 550 5.6.2 SMTPSEND.BareLinefeedsAreIllegal; message contains bare linefeeds, which cannot be sent via DATA. The failure was replaced by a retry response because the message was marked for retry if rejected.
Queue ID: hubserver1\166519
Recipients: journaling@journal.domain.com;3;2;400 4.4.7 The server responded with: 550 5.6.2 SMTPSEND.BareLinefeedsAreIllegal; message contains bare linefeeds, which cannot be sent via DATA. The failure was replaced by a retry response because the message
was marked for retry if rejected.;0;CN=Outbound to gateway,CN=Connections,CN=Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR),CN=Routing Groups,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=SS,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domains,DC=group
Please also find the output of below command.
Please let me know how do I resolve this issue.
This issue gets resolved automatically but it happens again after some months.