Hello, Team!
I think I’ve found a serious issue in last CU releases. This is the case:
1 Multirole server Exchange 2013 SP1 (and older) , one creceive connector from internet to this server, no edge, nothing.
I care about preventing spoofing my company’s email addresses, and remove remove the ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Authoritative-Domain-Sender transport permission from anonymous senders.
To do this, we usually simple run powershell command
Remove-ADPermission <ReceiveConnector Name> –user “NT AUTHORITY\Anonymous Logon” –ExtendedRights ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Authoritative-Domain-Sender
This command works on Exchange SP1, the client (telnet session, f.e.) which try spoof address of company will be refused. (see screenshot below)
But in Exchange 2013 CU5, CU6 and even CU7 release this revoke permissions DOESN’T WORKS without any errors, softly. I've try Powershell and ADSI but unsuccessfully.
Then we take off permission on connector above, we keep 3 default permissions:
Submit-Message to Server
It is wonderful works only on server SP1, but not on servers with older versions, which have right settings.
The saddest thing is I have information about Office 365 this behavior reproduced too. And I also think what in your lab you could take 15 minutes and play this simply thing....
I found only that information on connector side is diffenent on SP1 and CU5,6,7.
This is normal connection on SP1, when somebody try spoofed address. We can see a 250 AUTH Response on server side, and server refuse fake connection, all right.
And on CU5 and newest versions we doesnt see this code. Maybe auth mechanism miss something?
Any suggestions? On MS connect site a didn't found exchange bugs topic :)