Channel: Exchange Server 2013 - Mail Flow and Secure Messaging forum
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Exchange Server error: Client host rejected: cannot find your reverse hostname [Public IP]


Hello folks,

We moved our datacenter over the weekend and our public IPs.  We have a destination NAT rule that translates our assigned public IP for mail to (for example) to our internal Exchange server IP.

However, when our server initiates communication, it is seen on the internet as coming from our firewall IP:

Our MX record matches the .139, but our TXT (SPF) record is set to .140.  Like I said the source IP from exchange initating to the internet is .140.

Do we need a source NAT rule for exchange to match its .139 assignment and also our TXT record?


NDR - When External Recipients sends mails to a DG.



We have some DGs which only allows to send mails "Only Senders inside my organization". But when external recipients sends mails to this group, they don't receive a NDR. We need to get a NDR when external recipients sends mails to these DGs.

 Please advise.



Tool to track



What are the free tools available in tracking an email.


1- Exchange Server to Exchange Server(inside domain)(2 Mailbox severs(2013))

2- Exchange Server to Office 365(Hybrid setup)- Not the email tracking of Exchange admin center.

3- Exchange Server to outside domain like gmail(once the mail handed over to Exchange Server edge transport to outside any server if that does not reach gmail, where do we check)

Thank you.

What is the meaning of softfail and what issues it can cause and how to fix it?


What is the meaning of softfail in authentication-result for spf in an email header and what issues it can cause and how to fix it? Does it get fixed on sender's exchange side or recipient's exchange side?

exchange server delay the message


hi all , 

we have three exchange server 2013 , now emails from outside are being delayed and some of email not being received . we have fortimail on the environment. from the fortimail view the emails shows that are being received and querying on one of the exchange server  when checking the exchange server queue no emails is there  > 

also the transaction logs size are getting increase after adding the third node to dag ? 

any idea how to start troubleshooting ?

Transport rule to move emails to another mailbox when user mailbox is full on exchange 2013

Hi Team,

We are running exchange server 2013 and have more than 3000 users and the quota is limited to only 500 MB to 1GB each mailbox,sometimes some users mailbox gets full and the emails get bounced and critical emails go missing, i wanted to know if i can configure a transport role to move the emails to another mailbox when the mailbox is full, so that i can retrieve the emails later if the user requires.

i have limited storage and need sometime time to upgrade storage to increase users mailbox size.

TechGUy,System Administrator.

Emails not going thru to rogers & shaw.....DNS Connector ( outgoing smtp ) issue



Please help.....we have changed our external IP and now unable to email users. Emails not going thru and are stuck in Queue 


email gives differ connection


hi all ,

we have exchange server 2013 and we have tow fortimail node , i have set them on the send connector to send , do i need to specify the fortimail on the receive connector as well  to accept the emails coming ?

if i have to to on the receive connector how it should be specified as frontend Transport or Hub Transport  ?

how to specify to receive from both fortmail  


Getting 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay when sending from internet to my exchange 2013


I have an edge transport server and the exchange serve setup in my lab.

I have configured a subscription OK and its synching fine.

I can send mail out OK, but get therror when I try to send from extenal to internal.

I used to have this working and have no idea whats happened.

The send connectors are the 2 created when you run the command to cerate subscription. they look fine.

Any help appreciated.


Thanks - Joe.

Exchange 2013 junk e-mail filter with safe senders list bug?


We've got unwanted experience with Exchange 2013 mailbox junk e-mail configuration. We've setup an account junk filter settings, that accept e-mails only from senders from safe senders list, with command: 

Set-MailboxJunkEmailConfiguration -Identity "Our Mailbox" -TrustedListsOnly $True -TrustedSendersAndDomains $ListOfEmails

Generally it works fine - if e-mail is sent by sender who is not on the list, that e-mail goes directly to junk e-mails folder. But there is one strange exception - if sender who is not on the list add e-mail address that is on the safe senders list as CC, that e-mail will be accepted and placed in Inbox folder. 

Is there any option or fix to change that behaviour?

Thanks fof help.

dsn=5.0.0, stat=Service unavailable


Hi expert,

I setup to use external SMTP server (Exchange server) to send e-mail on my Linux server. However, it gave me an error message"

 dsn=5.0.0, stat=Service unavailable

The command line: Echo "Test Email Message" | sendmail "Subeject Test" xxx@xxx.com

tail /var/log/maillog:

Jan  2 06:54:44 localhost sendmail[25472]: x026shcK025470: x026sicK025472: DSN: Service unavailable
Jan  2 06:54:44 localhost sendmail[25472]: x026sicK025472: to=<xxx@localhost.localdomain>, delay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00,                                                                                                              mailer=local, pri=31521, dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent
How to resolve this issue?

Thanks for any input.


Pirlo Zhang 

MSDN Community Support&lt;br/&gt; Please remember to click &amp;quot;Mark as Answer&amp;quot; the responses that resolved your issue, and to click &amp;quot;Unmark as Answer&amp;quot; if not. This can be beneficial to other community members reading this thread. If you have any compliments or complaints to MSDN Support, feel free to contact &lt;a href=&quot;mailto:MSDNFSF@microsoft.com&quot;&gt;MSDNFSF@microsoft.com&lt;/a&gt;.

Mail from internal application still not being relayed to recipients of distribution group


Recently I had an issue where our ticketing system was unable to relay email through our exchange servers to about 90 recipients in a distribution group.  When I looked at the message tracking for the message in question it showed that it was being explicitly discarded and had the event ID HADISCARD.

The suggested solution was to modify the 'MaxInboundConnectionPerSource' setting to 200, which I did for that receive connector across all of our exchange servers.  Hopeful that would be the solution, today the same email was attempted to send from our ticketing system through exchange and I see the same issue as before, the message has HADISCARD and ExplicitlyDiscarded in the tracking log.

In doing some research today, I see some users are stating that for a custom SMTP connector where an internal application needs to relay through exchange out to the internet, you should allow not only Anonymous Permission but also the Exchange Server permission.  To me that doesn't make sense but perhaps someone can explain that further to me.

I have confirmed that the message in question is using the custom SMTP Relay connector.  Below is the output of get-receive connector for the connector in question.  Perhaps someone can review this and let me know if it is in fact configured correctly. 

Thanks in advance

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-ReceiveConnector "smtp relay" |fl

RunspaceId                              : 6b843728-a2a6-4e21-afe3-ab5d430780fa
AuthMechanism                           : Tls
Banner                                  :
BinaryMimeEnabled                       : True
Bindings                                : {}
ChunkingEnabled                         : True
DefaultDomain                           :
DeliveryStatusNotificationEnabled       : True
EightBitMimeEnabled                     : True
SmtpUtf8Enabled                         : False
BareLinefeedRejectionEnabled            : False
DomainSecureEnabled                     : False
EnhancedStatusCodesEnabled              : True
LongAddressesEnabled                    : False
OrarEnabled                             : False
SuppressXAnonymousTls                   : False
ProxyEnabled                            : False
AdvertiseClientSettings                 : False
Fqdn                                    : SERVER.domain.org
ServiceDiscoveryFqdn                    :
TlsCertificateName                      :
Comment                                 :
Enabled                                 : True
ConnectionTimeout                       : 00:10:00
ConnectionInactivityTimeout             : 00:05:00
MessageRateLimit                        : Unlimited
MessageRateSource                       : IPAddress
MaxInboundConnection                    : 5000
MaxInboundConnectionPerSource           : 200
MaxInboundConnectionPercentagePerSource : 2
MaxHeaderSize                           : 128 KB (131,072 bytes)
MaxHopCount                             : 60
MaxLocalHopCount                        : 12
MaxLogonFailures                        : 3
MaxMessageSize                          : 35 MB (36,700,160 bytes)
MaxProtocolErrors                       : 5
MaxRecipientsPerMessage                 : 200
PermissionGroups                        : AnonymousUsers, Custom
PipeliningEnabled                       : True
ProtocolLoggingLevel                    : Verbose
RemoteIPRanges                          : {,,,}
RequireEHLODomain                       : False
RequireTLS                              : False
EnableAuthGSSAPI                        : False
ExtendedProtectionPolicy                : None
LiveCredentialEnabled                   : False
TlsDomainCapabilities                   : {}
Server                                  : SERVER
TransportRole                           : FrontendTransport
SizeEnabled                             : Enabled
TarpitInterval                          : 00:00:05
MaxAcknowledgementDelay                 : 00:00:30
AdminDisplayName                        :
ExchangeVersion                         : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
Name                                    : SMTP Relay
DistinguishedName                       : CN=SMTP Relay,CN=SMTP Receive
                                          Connectors,CN=Protocols,CN=SERVER,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative
                                          Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Domain,CN=Microsoft
Identity                                : SERVER\SMTP Relay
Guid                                    : 6c1e28d4-4aed-44c5-877a-4c3caf535cbc
ObjectCategory                          : domain.org/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-Smtp-Receive-Connector
ObjectClass                             : {top, msExchSmtpReceiveConnector}
WhenChanged                             : 3/22/2018 10:28:00 AM
WhenCreated                             : 10/31/2017 10:20:11 AM
WhenChangedUTC                          : 3/22/2018 3:28:00 PM
WhenCreatedUTC                          : 10/31/2017 3:20:11 PM
OrganizationId                          :
Id                                      : SERVER\SMTP Relay
OriginatingServer                       : DomainController.domain.org
IsValid                                 : True
ObjectState                             : Unchanged

I'm not even supposed to be here today.

Getting 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay when sending from internet to my exchange 2013


I have an edge transport server and the exchange serve setup in my lab.

I have configured a subscription OK and its synching fine.

I can send mail out OK, but get therror when I try to send from extenal to internal.

I used to have this working and have no idea whats happened.

The send connectors are the 2 created when you run the command to cerate subscription. they look fine.

Any help appreciated.


Thanks - Joe.

Unable to figure out why emails well under message/attachment limits are getting rejected for being too large - ExternalDsnMaxMessageAttachSize value the culprit?



I'm at my wits end trying to figure out why my on-premise Exchange 2013 server is rejecting emails, claiming that they're too large.  The rejection message was:

[(MyIPAddress)] reply 552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size

I have read numerous articles online regarding max attachment and message sizes, and everything seems to be OK.  For context, what I want to occur is messages greater than 30 MB are rejected, but anything smaller is OK.  I am getting rejection messages on an email from outside the organization with an attachment that is only 24 MB, and nothing else other than brief text in the email body.

I've run the four commands from this article:


get-transportconfig | ft maxsendsize, maxreceivesize 
get-receiveconnector | ft name, maxmessagesize 
get-sendconnector | ft name, maxmessagesize 
get-mailbox Administrator |ft Name, Maxsendsize, maxreceivesize

and they all return back values of 30 mb max (or unlimited for the Admin box), which is fine and expected.

I have gone to Mail Flow > Receive Connectors, and verified that every connector has a 30 MB max value.  I have gone to Organization Transport Settings window, and have verified that the Maximum receive Message size is 30 MB.  I have gone to Mail Flow > Rules, where I have a rule that checks if "Any Attachment is greater than or equal to 30 MB" reject the message, and a rule that checks if "The message size is greater than or equal to 30 MB" to reject the message.  There are no other rules.

I don't know if there are commands that can help check attachment size settings, but given the rejection message I mentioned at the beginining, it sounds like a message size rule.

I have run the get-transportconfig | fl command, and I don't see anything out of the ordinary from the results except potentially this value:

ExternalDsnMaxMessageAttachSize is 10 MB

but, from my limited understanding from googling, it sounds like the DSN messages are the delivery notification messages, and therefore this value should not apply to as a max message size value for normal emails from clients for example, correct?

Anyone able to think of anything I may be missing?

Getting 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay when sending from internet to my exchange 2013


I have an edge transport server and the exchange serve setup in my lab.

I have configured a subscription OK and its synching fine.

I can send mail out OK, but get therror when I try to send from extenal to internal.

I used to have this working and have no idea whats happened.

The send connectors are the 2 created when you run the command to cerate subscription. they look fine.

Any help appreciated.


Thanks - Joe.

Mail Flow for terminated employees redirected to a public folder - cannot get employee's out of office message to trigger



I have a few employees who have been terminated.  I have their mailboxes set with a mail flow rule to redirect to a public folder, so that we can see messages that were sent to the employees so we can respond to them.

However, with this redirect rule in place for each mailbox, their Out of Office message isn't triggering - the message that would tell a sender that the employee is no longer with the company.  Ideally, senders would be notified that the employee is not there now.

Is there a way to set up a message to be sent to any senders trying to email a mailbox, while still having funtional mail flow redirection?

Remove Internal Exchange Server Names and IP Addresses from Message Headers on Exchange server 2013


Hi Team,

We are running Exchange server 2013 without Edge server only CAS and Mailbox and third party email gateway.

Whenever external senders send email to wrong recipient the NDR gives the full information about the internal host name and IP address of exchange server.

I followed the below link.


the article is for a scenario where Edge transport servers is used, how do i configure this when there is no edge transport server ?

TechGUy,System Administrator.

Not all recipients in distribution group receiving email


Good day guys,

How would i go about troubleshooting in my Exchange 2013 environment  why not all recipients are getting the mails sent to distribution group. Checking the delivery reports showing Pending status for the past 3 days now.

Maintaining mail flow without Contacts or Mail-enabled Users


The Setup

Our company was acquired by a larger organization and we have migrated all of our user mailboxes to their Office365 tenant and in the process changed primary SMTP to their domain. We have an on-premises Exchange system, which is currently used to handle some shared mailbox and SMTP relay for applications in our data center under the former accepted domains. User mail sent to the former accepted domains are routed to the O365 destination mailbox via contacts or Mail-enabled Users. The on-premises Exchange server is version 2010, which is out of support and my organization would like to turn it off.

Going Forward

I am tasked with turning off the on-premises Exchange system. I originally planned to do this after the former domains are configured to point to Office365 and mail flow for the former domains no longer goes through my data center or the on-premises Exchange server. However, there is some need to keep the former domains on-premises, to be used for outgoing SMTP only. The organization is averse to purchasing an updated Exchange License to handle such a task.

The Ask

Is there a way to direct mail sent to one of the former domains to the new destination mailboxes WITHOUT Exchange to host the contacts and MEUs that translate the final recipient address? I have considered a Linux mail server or something to that effect, but I was hoping someone out there had a better idea.

How to create proper SPF record?


Hello folks,

Could someone please take a look at our IPs, diagram below, and make a suggestion for a correct SPF record?

SPF test tools report that no DNS record found for our domain for SPF.

We have folks receiving bounce back that includes this error:

Received-SPF: None (protection.outlook.com: scgts.com does not designate<o:p></o:p>
 permitted sender hosts)<o:p></o:p>


Our SPF record look like this currently:

Host: * (All Others)

TTL: 7200

Text:  v=spf1 a:mx.scgts.com a:smtp.scgts.com a:scgtsmail.scgts.com a:mail.scgts.com a:paladin.scgts.com mx:scgts.com ip4: ip4: ip4: ~all 

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