Channel: Exchange Server 2013 - Mail Flow and Secure Messaging forum
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#5.0.0 smtp; 5.3.0 - Other mail system problem 554-'5.4.6 Message exceeded 50 hops, this may indicate a mail loop


Hi Everyone, 

I'm new here and i've been searching for a while now and i'm not getting any answers from google. 

So the problem is, we cannot send an e-mail to a specific e-mail domain. We are getting this error (see below). We used to send e-mail to this client's address. It was working last week and suddenly this happened. We are using on prem exchange13. I checked the send connectors and I can see that we have 2 enabled connectors and using smart host to route outbound e-mails to mimecast. I hope someone can help me out. 

Remote Server returned '<[] #5.0.0 smtp; 5.3.0 - Other mail system problem 554-'5.4.6 Message exceeded 50 hops, this may indicate a mail loop

421 4.7.1 Recipient quota exceeded


Good Day

I'm currently struggling to clear out the mail queue with the emails from one source sent to many (internal to internal) showing up with error "421 4.7.1 Recipient quota exceeded"

I've also changed the maximum number of recipients to unlimited under "organization transport settings" to see if it would clear out the emails but no luck

Any help would be appreciated

Thank you


#5.0.0 smtp; 5.3.0 - Other mail system problem 554-'5.4.6 Message exceeded 50 hops, this may indicate a mail loop


Hi Everyone, 

I'm new here and i've been searching for a while now and i'm not getting any answers from google. 

So the problem is, we cannot send an e-mail to a specific e-mail domain. We are getting this error (see below). We used to send e-mail to this client's address. It was working last week and suddenly this happened. We are using on prem exchange13. I checked the send connectors and I can see that we have 2 enabled connectors and using smart host to route outbound e-mails to mimecast. I hope someone can help me out. 

Remote Server returned '<[] #5.0.0 smtp; 5.3.0 - Other mail system problem 554-'5.4.6 Message exceeded 50 hops, this may indicate a mail loop

Exchange 2013 - Missing Receive Connectors



I'm facing an issue on my Exchange 2013, that I suspect that can be related with Receive Connectors. When I access to Exchange Admin Center and go to Mail Flow -> Receive Connectors I got an error message:


Didn't find the Exchange group that has the GUID "3f965b9c-f167-4b4a-936c-b8efb19c4784". This group is created during setup, but it has been deleted.

and the list is completly empty, but I can check all our receive connectors previous set on ADSI (CN=SMTP Receive Connectors,CN=Protocols,CN=MyServer,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=organization,DC=com).

I also check some post here on the forum (I cannot use links), but I can't apply succesfully, because everytime I try to create a default receive connector, says that connector already exist.

At the moment we only can't receive emails on mailbox, but we can send it.

Any idea on this problem?

strange bounce back in outlook


Hi all,

I'm experiencing such a strange issue. When using Outlook client to send to a bunch of users(internal and external),I will receive a bounce back which shows that I cannot send email to that recipient. The bounce message is sent by the system administrator, and the message header is Empty, no delivery record in delivery report. What triggered the bounced email? Anyopinions will be appreciated.

I'm using Exchange 2013 and My Outlook is Outlook2010.

Server side rules


is it possible to setup some sort of a Server Side Rule to copy emails Received / Sent to a Group coordinator ?

or is its possible setup multiple Journal account

#5.0.0 smtp; 5.3.0 - Other mail system problem 554-'5.4.6 Message exceeded 50 hops, this may indicate a mail loop


Hi Everyone, 

I'm new here and i've been searching for a while now and i'm not getting any answers from google. 

So the problem is, we cannot send an e-mail to a specific e-mail domain. We are getting this error (see below). We used to send e-mail to this client's address. It was working last week and suddenly this happened. We are using on prem exchange13. I checked the send connectors and I can see that we have 2 enabled connectors and using smart host to route outbound e-mails to mimecast. I hope someone can help me out. 

Remote Server returned '<[] #5.0.0 smtp; 5.3.0 - Other mail system problem 554-'5.4.6 Message exceeded 50 hops, this may indicate a mail loop

Exchange 2013 doesn't receive external emails sent to default domain. Hybrid environment.



Echange2013-Office365 hybrid mode.

My problem is that when someone from outside the organization sends an email to @company.com (defaut domain) on-prem exchange and O365 exchange won't receive it. But if it is sent to @company.onmicrosoft.com, then o365 exchange receives it.

The server which hosts exchange is a DNS server as well, but nothing was changed in the DNS entries.

Windows server 2012 r2.

Before this error occoured, I was installing a VPN role on the server. But after the first signs of errors, I removed that role.

Could it be something with the NICs? I think VPN wizzard configured the Nics and I also added in the vpn wizzard somewhere DNS servers.  Later I checked the NIC and removed secondary DNS - Primary DNS is the server itself. ( - But it still doesn't work. Again, the VPN role was removed so it should not interfere with the NICs anymore.

We are in trouble and help would be greatly appriciated.

Thank you all,


On-premises Exchange server transport rule usage



Any Idea, how to identify on-premises Exchange server transport rule usage? We have multiple transport rules, need to identify the usage and clean it up. Thanks

Changing the output of a PowerShell script


I created a PowerShell script that looks at Exchange mailbox database health and returns a 1 for healthy/mounted and a 0 for suspended.  The script works well; trouble is some of our Exchange server have many databases so the output can be up to 8 number 1's.
I would like to return a single number 1 if ANY mailbox database is not healthy/mounted on a server.
I'm stuck.


Any suggestions would be great!

#Get PS version
#$PSVersion = $Host.Version.Major
  Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010
. $env:ExchangeInstallPath\bin\RemoteExchange.ps1
Connect-ExchangeServer -auto

Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus | Foreach-Object {

      If ($_.Status.ToString() -eq "Mounted" -or $_.ContentIndexState.ToString() -eq "Healthy")


            # Write-Host "$($_.Name) - $($_.Status) - $($_.ContentIndexState) - 1" -ForegroundColor Green
            # Write-Output "$($_.Name) - $($_.Status) - $($_.ContentIndexState) - 1"

# $status = 1 is Mounted and Healthy
$status = 1



          # Write-Host "$($_.Name) - $($_.Status) - $($_.ContentIndexState) - 0" -ForegroundColor red
          # Write-Output "$($_.Name) - $($_.Status) - $($_.ContentIndexState) - 0"

# $Status = 0 is not Mounted and Suspended
# $status = 0

Spam filters for emails in outlook 2007?



does anyone know whether I can define eMail filters in outlook 2007 in order to direct spam mails into other folder?

Up to now I use the firefox  for my yahoo mails but I realized that some spamers use utf-8 encodings

in the subject and in the mail body, so my defined filters apply probably before decoding to ASCII.

I think it's because of this.

But filters with "contain" "utf-8" didn't apply too...I hope therefore outlook 2007 could be a solution....


Auto response incoming Mail according to user calendar



My name is Thierry, a French IT-Administrator.

I'm not a Exchange expert and I'd like to know if you can help me.

I hope I'll explain correctly my need.

We are using a connector to automaticaly fill the user calendar wenn he is on vacation and so on. It works fine.

Now I'd like to set automaticaly an auto answer wenn a mail is coming in for this user regarding is calendar content. The aim is to have an auto answer wenn his calendar has an entry that he is not at the office.

In this case, if my user forget to set an auto answer before going on vacation or can do it because he ist sick, the email sender would get an answer asking him to contact someone else.

Do you think it's possible?

Thank's in advance for your help.

Have a good day


Limit sent messages per minute for specific user (Throttling policy?)



Im trying to limit messages for one of our users to 1-5 per minute. I've created throttling policy


Applied it to user, but it doesnt work with any protocol - POP, IMAP, Exchange. User still can send more than 1 message. 

I've heard that MessageRateLimit is no more supported in Throttlepolicy by design. But how i can change it then?

not receiving email from out side


hi all , 

we have exchange server 2013 and has two server CAS01 and MBX01  , we are not able to receive emails from out side but we an send to outside .

we have two mx record and both of them is pointing to  same public IP that is natted to our CAS Server ( owa.mydomain.com)

appreciate your support team .

no bounce back message from the exchange so far 

Shadow Redundancy - Huge


Hi There,

We have a 6 node dag. 2 of the nodes are showing huge number of shadow redundance. More than 1000 and others are shoing always less that 20. A SC below for your reference. Appriciate quick help, Exchange 2013 CU 21

Dag Node:01 SHadowRedundance 1325

DAG Node 02 SHadowRedundance 1291

Apoorv Mehrotra

Outlook Connections to Exchange Server 2013


I have built a terminal Server for staff working from home and they all use Office 2016 and connect to the internal Exchange Server 2013 (Same internal network)

I have noticed that we are having a lot of connection issues (slowness, prompting for passwords, ect)

When i do an Outlook Connection status all connections are via RPC/HTTP to our OWA address, outlook.domainname.com for both internal and external

Is this correct ?????


Need help to create Transport Rule


Hello Guys, 

I have Exchange 2010 SP3. 

I have request to redirect email to external recipient which is sent from specific Email ID to DL. 


Sender@sender.com sending email to DL@abc.com should be redirected to external@external.com 

I created rule but it is not working. Actually I didn't not find Condition "Sent to DL"  so I used condition "sent to member of DL" and defined action.

I checked tracking logs and found that event ID "Fail" source "Agent" source context "Transport Rule Agent" 

Can you please help me here to achieve above requirement?   


Thanks, Chinmay.

internal mail not delivered to recepient


I have exchange 2019 and I have an sql server. The sql server uses dbmail to send emails to a public folder. The email are sent from the sql server, that is confirmed in the msdb sysmail_allitems log. The emails are received by the exchange server that is confirmed in the frontend agent log, the problem is that the emails never reaches the public folder which is mail enabled.

I as a user have no problem sending an email to that public folder.
I have tried changing the email address the sql server sends to, to be a distributiongroup. The emails sent to that group is also not delivered. And I as a user have no problem sending to that group.
If I change the email address to a user mailbox the sql server sends to the emails are delivered.

How do I investigate this issue?

How to configure SMTP on Exchange Server.


I hvae an Exchange environment that only support internal network.

The account login owa and check "Setting > Options > Mail > Accounts > POP and IMAP".

The SMTP setting is not available.

I have configure send connectors on Exchange Server, but the SMTP setting is not available.

But, I can send email to other account.

Two issues in Email signature through disclaimer in mail flow rule


i have applied email signature through mail flow rule in exchange 2013. Choose a disclaimer rule and put the html code with active directory attributes so everytime anyone email to anyone, its name, designation appears in below email.

1st issue in this rule that this signature appears everytime the user emails either in a conversation of a email like back and forth or in new email. And our requirement is that this signature should not appear again and again when replying a email multiple times, only appear once.

How is it possible? Please guide.

Second issue, i have a put an image in signature which is a logo of our bank and that logo is located in local file server and i noticed that that logo does not appear other than desktop outlook on local LAN. Like if i email from mobile or owa or email to an external user the logo image does not appear instead image name appearing. 

How can i resolve this?

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