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Someone is sending emails in my name



I've discovered someone is sending emails in my name but with unknown email addresses. So far I'd consider it a normal scam. BUT those emails contain previous emails that were really sent to me, it's like I'm answering to an email so they can see their last email to me. We're using an exchange 2010 and no virus attacks have happened on our server. The issue affects only me so far. How are they putting real-life previous emails in these new scam emails? Anyone had this issue before?

Renaming the public folder mailbox


How to rename a public folder mailbox?

I created a test public folder mailboxe with the name

Pftestmailbox and it created  the emails SMTP: pftestmailbox@xyz.com

all my production public folder are PFMB01 and SMTP: PFMB01@xyz.com

Now I want to change my pftestmailbox to PFMB 13. If I change the name will this change the email address also frompftestmailbox@xyz.com to Pfmb13@xyz.com.

Incoming/Outgoing Mail delivers to multiple locations


The Exchange 2013 server, whose mailboxes were migrated from Exchange 2007, is forwarding all mail to both the recipients box and another mailbox.  All users mail ends up in that same box.  It modifies the subject and adds 

Microsoft Outlook

 on behalf of   To the subject line.  How do I determine what is happening and how I can stop it?  I have a message track results that shows what is happening but I dont know where to stop it. 

Here is what happens to a single message.  The invalid mailbox that gets all of the mail is the Techsupport box.

Here are the results of a message trace for a single message.  I hope that it helps.  You'll notice that the message has a redirect to the Techsupport mailbox.  Is this old remnants from Exchange servers past?  These mailboxes have forwarded from Exchange 2007 and before, as far back as the late 1990's, just like the AD.  Is there a chance that alot of this is old stuff that needs to be found and cleared out?  If so how?

EventId        : AGENTINFO
Source         : AGENT
Sender         : e***@mail.n***.***.com
Recipients     : {ck***@co****.com, cg***@co****.com, d3****@pop.*******.com, ck****@d3.*******.com}
MessageSubject : SAVE More When You Refinance Your Auto Loan!

EventId        : TRANSFER
Source         : ROUTING
Sender         : e***@mail.n***.***.com
Recipients     : {ck***@co****.com}
MessageSubject : SAVE More When You Refinance Your Auto Loan!

EventId        : TRANSFER
Source         : ROUTING
Sender         : e***@mail.n***.***.com
Recipients     : {ck****@d3.*******.com, d3****@pop.*******.com}
MessageSubject : SAVE More When You Refinance Your Auto Loan!

EventId        : REDIRECT
Source         : ROUTING
Sender         : MicrosoftExchange329e71ec88ae4615bbc36ab6ce41109e@co*******.com
Recipients     : {TechSupport@co*******.com}
MessageSubject : SAVE More When You Refinance Your Auto Loan!

EventId        : REDIRECT
Source         : ROUTING
Sender         : MicrosoftExchange329e71ec88ae4615bbc36ab6ce41109e@co*******.com
Recipients     : {TechSupport@co*******.com}
MessageSubject : SAVE More When You Refinance Your Auto Loan!

EventId        : AGENTINFO
Source         : AGENT
Sender         : MicrosoftExchange329e71ec88ae4615bbc36ab6ce41109e@co*******.com
Recipients     : {TechSupport@co*******.com, Support_Readers@co*******.com}
MessageSubject : SAVE More When You Refinance Your Auto Loan!

EventId        : TRANSFER
Source         : ROUTING
Sender         : MicrosoftExchange329e71ec88ae4615bbc36ab6ce41109e@co*******.com
Recipients     : {TechSupport@co*******.com}
MessageSubject : SAVE More When You Refinance Your Auto Loan!

EventId        : SEND
Source         : SMTP
Sender         : e***@mail.n***.***.com
Recipients     : {ck***@co****.com}
MessageSubject : SAVE More When You Refinance Your Auto Loan!

EventId        : SEND
Source         : SMTP
Sender         : MicrosoftExchange329e71ec88ae4615bbc36ab6ce41109e@co*******.com
Recipients     : {TechSupport@co*******.com}
MessageSubject : SAVE More When You Refinance Your Auto Loan!

EventId        : SEND
Source         : SMTP
Sender         : e***@mail.n***.***.com
Recipients     : {d3****@pop.*******.com}
MessageSubject : SAVE More When You Refinance Your Auto Loan!

EventId        : SEND
Source         : SMTP
Sender         : e***@mail.n***.***.com
Recipients     : {ck****@d3.*******.com}
MessageSubject : SAVE More When You Refinance Your Auto Loan!

Shadow Redundancy dont export message


Good evening, please help me with a problem.

Exchange lost contact with one of the servers and letters began to accumulate in the Shadow Redundancy, about 1800 pieces accumulated, I want to unload them and throw them back to send, I can’t upload them below the screenshot and which commands I use

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-Message

Identity                FromAddress             Status                  Queue                   Subject
--------                -----------             ------                  -----                   -------
V12RUCTDMSC2011\Subm... it.incidents@... Suspended               V12RUCTDMSC2011\Subm... [SSC Russia - HR 014...
V12RUCTDMSC2011\Subm... it.incidents@... Suspended               V12RUCTDMSC2011\Subm... [SSC Russia - HR 014...
V12RUCTDMSC2011\Subm... it.incidents@... Suspended               V12RUCTDMSC2011\Subm... [SSC Russia - HR 014...
V12RUCTDMSC2011\Subm... it.incidents@... Suspended               V12RUCTDMSC2011\Subm... [SSC Russia - HR 014...
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-Queue

Identity                   DeliveryType Status MessageCount Velocity RiskLevel OutboundIPPool NextHopDomain
--------                   ------------ ------ ------------ -------- --------- -------------- -------------
V12RUCTDMSC2011\Submission Undefined    Ready  4            0        Normal    0              Submission
V12RUCTDMSC2011\Shadow\4   ShadowRed... Sus... 1902         0        Normal    0              v12uas2014.contoso.

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-Message -Queue V12RUCTDMSC2011\Shadow\4 Identity FromAddress Status Queue Subject -------- ----------- ------ ----- ------- V12RUCTDMSC2011\Shad... itservicertcs@... Suspended V12RUCTDMSC2011\Shad... Reminder! Your Windo... V12RUCTDMSC2011\Shad... itservicertcs@... Suspended V12RUCTDMSC2011\Shad... Reminder! Your Windo... V12RUCTDMSC2011\Shad... it.incidents@... Suspended V12RUCTDMSC2011\Shad... [SSC Russia - HR 014... V12RUCTDMSC2011\Shad... it.incidents@... Suspended V12RUCTDMSC2011\Shad... [SSC Russia - HR 014... V12RUCTDMSC2011\Shad... no-reply-oms3@.. Suspended V12RUCTDMSC2011\Shad... ?????????? ? ?

и дальше 1800 штук

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-Message -Queue V12RUCTDMSC2011\Shadow\4 | ForEach-Object {$Temp="c:\Message\"+$_.InternetMe
ssageID+".eml"; $Temp=$Temp.Replace("<","_"); $Temp=$Temp.Replace(">","_"); Export-Message $_.Identity | AssembleMessage
 -Path $Temp}
The requested operation can't be performed for the object with identity V12RUCTDMSC2011\Shadow\4\44964012621854.+ CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [Export-Message], LocalizedException+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=V12RUCTDMSC2011,RequestId=f063b2b0-17f3-4d11-a2ff-95839321f22d,TimeStamp=5/5/202
   0 6:11:00 PM] [FailureCategory=Cmdlet-LocalizedException] 3F9C6AE1,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.QueueViewerTasks.
  ExportMessage+ PSComputerName        : v12ructdmsc2011.contoso.loc

The requested operation can't be performed for the object with identity V12RUCTDMSC2011\Shadow\4\44968307589378.
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [Export-Message], LocalizedException+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=V12RUCTDMSC2011,RequestId=d05cd126-057c-45c6-a34f-51db1381b080,TimeStamp=5/5/202
   0 6:11:00 PM] [FailureCategory=Cmdlet-LocalizedException] 1D781C56,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.QueueViewerTasks.
  ExportMessage+ PSComputerName        : v12ructdmsc2011.contoso.loc

The requested operation can't be performed for the object with identity V12RUCTDMSC2011\Shadow\4\44968307589585.
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [Export-Message], LocalizedException+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=V12RUCTDMSC2011,RequestId=5c4980ee-a7b2-4806-8589-2f7931afca73,TimeStamp=5/5/202
   0 6:11:00 PM] [FailureCategory=Cmdlet-LocalizedException] 455F750E,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.QueueViewerTasks.
  ExportMessage+ PSComputerName        : v12ructdmsc2011.contoso.loc

The requested operation can't be performed for the object with identity V12RUCTDMSC2011\Shadow\4\44976897523755.
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [Export-Message], LocalizedException+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=V12RUCTDMSC2011,RequestId=e1f66fc1-f145-416f-8dd2-ea27d8b0a574,TimeStamp=5/5/202
   0 6:11:00 PM] [FailureCategory=Cmdlet-LocalizedException] BF6007C8,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.QueueViewerTasks.
  ExportMessage+ PSComputerName        : v12ructdmsc2011.contoso.loc

The requested operation can't be performed for the object with identity V12RUCTDMSC2011\Shadow\4\44976897523757.

Please help me why this error comes out, everything seems to be right

Mail Stuck in Que with Error exchange 2013


Hi All,

Please help,

i have recently migrated Exchange 2010 to 2013. All is working very well. but when i migrated my users on 2013 and they sending emails in routine then a mails stuck in queue for some time and then deliver. sometime below errors are shown, but after retry finally emails delivered. It took a lot of time due to which queue is larger and larger. please suggest what can i do


Last Error: 432 4.3.2 STOREDRV.Storage; mailbox server mapi session limit exceeded; STOREDRV.Deliver.Exception:TooManyObjectsOpenedException.MapiExceptionSessionLimit; Failed to process message due to a transient exception with message Cannot open mailbox (On Exchange 2013)


Last Error: 432 4.3.2 STOREDRV.Storage; mailbox server is too busy; STOREDRV.Deliver.Exception:StorageTransientException.MapiExceptionRpcServerTooBusy; Failed to process message due to a transient exception with message Cannot open mailbox

Yesterday suddenly our client access server restarts (Dump) due to this Back Pressure 


Mail Queue Size Larger and Larger (mail.queue)

Mail flow cutover with baracuda as spamfilter in hybrid


Hello Expert,

Need an advice regarding baracuda cutover.

My current env is baracuda is pointed to onpremises Exchange server 2010.

I will be running Hybrid configuration wizard and AAD tool.

At what stage i should a cutover for baracuda should it before migrating any mailbox to office365  or once all mailboxes has been migrated to office365?

Currently i am also using global relay as archiving solution for onpremises mailboxes.



Two issues in Email signature through disclaimer in mail flow rule


i have applied email signature through mail flow rule in exchange 2013. Choose a disclaimer rule and put the html code with active directory attributes so everytime anyone email to anyone, its name, designation appears in below email.

1st issue in this rule that this signature appears everytime the user emails either in a conversation of a email like back and forth or in new email. And our requirement is that this signature should not appear again and again when replying a email multiple times, only appear once.

How is it possible? Please guide.

Second issue, i have a put an image in signature which is a logo of our bank and that logo is located in local file server and i noticed that that logo does not appear other than desktop outlook on local LAN. Like if i email from mobile or owa or email to an external user the logo image does not appear instead image name appearing. 

How can i resolve this?

Hitting MessageRateLimit even with Unlimited


Hello guys, I have an interesting weird case for you.

We have our Exchange 2013 environment (2 servers).

Our internal apps all are pointing to the load balancer, however, when it balances to the second node (let's name it "Server02") some emails go through, some not. Most not. This occurs even if the application points directly to the server (not going through the load balancer), so it isn't the LB.

The ones that doesn’t work, we get a "421 4.4.2 Message submission rate for this client has exceeded the configured limit", however, the MessageRateLimit for that Receiver for it set to Unlimited, on both servers.

We restarted the servers, but the issue remains.

To replicate the problem, we are using the Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer Server0# -from test@xxx.yyy -to me@xxx.yyy -Port 25 -Verbose -Body "Tested with Server0# at HH:mm" -Credential $cred

At the same time, we try to both servers, so we can check against both servers.

Here’s our findings:

  • If we test without the credential parameter (AKA anonymous), it works with servers.
  • If we test with an Exchange Admin account, it works with both servers.
  • If we test with the application account, it works only with Server01.

Any suggestions?

Alexander S.

Auto forward


Hi All,

When i set an auto forward the other mailbox receive the emails as follows where the email address is not displayed only the displayname

From: Michael Stevens
Sent: Friday, 3 April 2020 1:34:09 PM (UTC+10:00) Sydney
To: Rakesh Kumar
Subject: Small business Server

But when Michael forward the email manually it contains the email address along with the displayname

From: Michael Stevens <MStevens@gmail2334.com> 
Sent: Friday, 3 April 2020 1:34:09 PM (UTC+10:00) Sydney
To: Rakesh Kumar
Subject: Small business Server

Add new port 587 binding to IIS on exchange DAG servers..


Hi all,

I have a request from the APPs team, they want to implement a new application and the vendor requires a new binding in IIS for https:587 and for it to use my signed exchange server certificate.

I've added the new binding to the default website, restarted the default website and restarted the exchange services on all 3 DAG member servers.

After this all inbound mail from my "smarthost" service stops coming in and just queues up in the cloud service.

Also my MFD devices which use an internal SMTP Relay connector on port 25 stop working?

Removing the binding and restarting the exchange services brings mailflow back to life.

What am I missing? Do I need to reboot the mailbox servers after applying the new binding?

Password notification reminder

how to setup/create password notification reminder mail to the uses about password expiration before 7 days in exchange 2013/2016

No mails for migrated User


Dear Community,

we build up a hybrid connection between Exchange 2013 and Office 365.

The wizard went through without issue and also the migration of two users went fine.

But at the moment we have the issue that the migrated users can send from internal to external, but sending from external to internal is not working. There is also no NDR we get etc.

I just saw on the firewall that the mail is blocked due to certification failure. I already searched for the issue, but the used certificate is valid and the only one I can use on the connectors.

Do you have any ideas?

Send Receive Error


I have one stand alone exchange server 2013 in our environment. It was working perfectly fine however few days ago i started facing a problem where users were not able to send/receive emails.

I was able to access owa, the outlook showed exchange connected and updated but when i send emais it shows in the sent box but emails were not delivered.

After restarting the issue got fixed and this now happened every 2-3 days.Also the toolbox stops responding.

I will copy paste the error next time for more info....

please help which is the right place to check to fix this issue in event log. As i could not find any log specific or pointing to this issue

thanks in advance

250 2.1.5 RESOLVER.OOF.IntToExt; handled internal OOF addressed to external recipient


can someone explain to me why this is being dropped?

Office 365 used one of your organization's connectors to send the message to an external address. Here are the details:

Connector name: Outbound to <obfuscated>
External address: recipient@domain.com
Destination IP:
Destination smart host: hybridmail.domain.com
You can view your organization's connector settings on the connectors page.


07/06/2018 14:56:09ReceiveMessage received by: EXCHONLINESERVER

07/06/2018 14:56:09ReceiveMessage received by: EXCHONLINESERVER using TLS1.2 with AES256

07/06/2018 14:56:10Send externalMessage sent to hybridmail.domain.com at using TLS1.2 with AES256

07/06/2018 14:56:10Spam Diagnostics

Message size:13 KB
From IP:
To IP:

Digitally sign the message internet explorer outlook owa


I use exchange 2016 and outlook owa, I have s / mime configured, loaded certificates.Signed or encrypted letters from other users are decrypted correctly.When I want to send a letter and digitally sign, the "Digitaly sign this message (S/MIME) or "Encrypt this message (S/MIME) are grayed out (not active).I'm using internet explorer 11.

Cannoy send email to DynamicDistributionGroup

We have a o365 hybrid enviroment in company, and now I have a problem. I cannot send email to all users. I have in EAC(enterprise), in Groups I have created dynamic distribution group named ALLusers, membership are recipient container(selected OU from AD, OU where are all users), and in o365 section, I have created contact with the same name like DDG. Now, when I send mail to this DDG, everything looks fine, no error, no NDR, but, recipients did not receive this email. Funny is, when i check messsage trace, this email shows like DELIVERED. Send email to to classic distribution group working(but in classic group they are not all users :/ ). Three weeks ago working everything fine. No changee made on server or this DDG.

Some ideas, what try?

Thakns for help.

Change Proxy Address to O365 users


I got an  error when try to add proxy address to user in O365.

The operation on mailbox "User" failed because it's out of the
current user's write scope. The action 'Set-Mailbox', 'EmailAddresses', can't
be performed on the object 'User' because the object is being
synchronized from your on-premises organization. This action should be
performed on the object in your on-premises organization.


We have migrated all mailboxes to the O365 cloud and removed the onprem Exchange servers.???

441 4.4.1 Error encountered while communicating with primary target IP address


I'm getting this error while trying to send external mails on exchange server 2013

i can receive mails normally and send internally but cant send externally

'441 4.4.1 Error encountered while communicating with primary target IP address: "Failed to connect. Winsock error code: 10051, Win32 error code: 10051." Attempted failover to alternate host, but that did not succeed. Either there are no alternate hosts, or delivery failed to all alternate hosts.

Does mail flow work for disconnected mailbox?



Disconnecting Mailbox will put it in disabled state and exchange retains the mailbox in mailbox database. My questions are:

Q1) After disconnecting the mailbox, if someone send emails to that disconnected mailbox then will those emails be delivered to Inbox of disconnected mailbox?

Q2) Will those emails be visible in Inbox after reconnecting the mailbox to same user as well as different user?

Q3) Does mail flow work for disconnected mailboxes?

Please explain and reply specific to all questions.

Kindly share official Microsoft support link or article that explains this scenario.

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